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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Govt should halt all recruitments; demand constituting a Special Committee for Reservation Policy: Ardent


Shillong: The president of the Voice of the People’s Party (VPP), Ardent Miller Basawiamoit on Monday demanded putting on hold all job recruitments till reservation policy is properly reviewed.

The VPP kickstart the first phase of their series of rallies on Monday at at Madan Heh, Mawlai. The motive of these rallies is to provide proper and correct perspective to the public on the unjust implementation of the roster system based on the unfair premise of the existing state job reservation policy. The party will organise a rally at Iawmusiang, Jowai on April 19 and another one at Jaiaw on April 20.

Speaking at the rally, VPP chief Ardent said that the party is not against the Roster System but seek an urgent need to revive the Reservation Policy affected the educated unemployed youth of the Khasi and Jaintia Hills region.

The VPP chief also demands that the government to constitute a Special Committee with intellectuals members from both the communities – Khasi & Jaintia and from the Garo community. The committee will discuss the matter pertaining to the issue of implementation of the roster system and the state job reservation policy and an amicable solution can be reached benefiting both the communities.

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