Speaking on this day, Lahkmen Rymbui said that as the public has already strengthen the UDP from 2013, and they will continue to strengthen this party in the years to come as well.
He said that it is truly sad in this present age, wherever they go when they speak about politics, they talk about money and the price involved with it. He also said that perhaps they may say how can they choose Bah Brol who is not well educated, but he added that the people must also try to remember how many who are well educated who have the guts to contest an election, how many doctors, engineers and youths who are well educated who are concerned and who have come forward to take part in politics.
He said that as it at present many people are tired of politics for there are just too many different types of talks, however much thought must be given also because it is important to take part in politics as it is the way for development and betterment of society.