23.6 C
Friday, March 14, 2025

Moving beyond the binary understandings, modern medicines draw its essence from nature.


St. Anthony’s College in joint collaboration with the The Bio Resource Development Centre, the Planning Department, Government of Meghalaya and the Zoological Survey of India launched a two day International Conference on BioDiversity and Conservation cum workshop on Traditional Health Practices and Medicines on the 14th of December.
Shri James P K Sangma, Hon’ble minister of Forest and Environmental Resources and Health and Family Welfare Department was the chief guest of the event and inaugurated the programme. Addressing the gathering, he highlighted the conviction of his government towards biodiversity conservation through use of technology such as hyper structural imaging in developing the heat map on the richness of the biodiversity in the state. He stressed biodiversity as a backbone towards building green funds and carbon credits and thereby participating in the new economic order. He lauded the role of MBMA in educating the community towards conservation initiatives especially in the Garo Hills. He shared testimonies on the benefits of traditional healing and medicines especially in the far flung regions of the state where often these traditional healers are the primary relief point. He asserted the commitment of his government towards standardizing the traditional medicine practices in the state.
Dr. Dhriti Bannerjee, Director of Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata delivered the keynote
address and highlighted the Northeastern culture and conservations as an important aspect of traditional lifestyle. She lauded the youth to rise above the “not in my backyard” syndrome and become neo conservationist and strive to integrate nature and economy.
The two days event also showcases traditional medicines from the different parts of the state and has a free walk in health camp

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