Jowai: Hynñiewtrep Integrated Territorial Organisation (HITO), Jaintia Hills today as a mark of protest over the inability of the Government through the Jowai Municipal Board in clearing out the disposed garbage in parts of Ïawmusiang and Ïawthymme, pitched banners on the pile of uncleared garbage.
The leaders of HITO condemned the MDA Government as their words and actions are not at all consistent with each other. The organisation also inscribed words with pictures of the Chief Minister,Conrad Sangma,the Deputy Chief Minister, Prestone Tynsong and other Cabinet Ministers as well as the representatives from Jaintia Hills including Lahkmen Rymbui, Sniawbhalang Dhar,Kyrmen Shylla,Wailadmiki Shylla, Nujorki Sungoh,Comingone Ymbon and Shitlang Pale. The banners on which these words were inscribed,” The New Meghalaya kawa jakhlia kawa da kular da u Conrad Sangma hei tung hei sma haduh wa tyrha I mynsiem rupa”, were pitched on several parts of Ïawmusiang and also Ïawthymme where the pile of garbage has been left uncleared.
The HITO through Lawyer Son War, President incharge WJH, has demanded the Government to remove the Municipal Board altogether from this District as it is unsuitable to be present in these hilly areas. He also said that the job of cleanliness and sanitation should be handed over to the District Council which was incharge of this work in the past.