Home BREAKING NEWS Farmers’ scheme misused in Mawlai with bogus names registered

Farmers’ scheme misused in Mawlai with bogus names registered

Farmers’ scheme misused in Mawlai with bogus names registered

The HYC of Mawlai Circle under the leadership of the Vice President, Rhemdor Saiborne met the BDO of Mawlai C&RD Block for clarification on the entry of bogus names in the register of farmers receiving benefits from the Central Government through the Agriculture Department citing them as residents of Mawlai.

Upon receiving information on the entry of bogus names in the list of different localities of Mawlai such as Mawlai Umjajew, Umjaiur, Nonglum and others, the organisation met the BDO in person and at the meeting, the BDO clarifies that there may be an attempt by a few persons from outside the State who have facilitated a way of entering bogus names through the registration process which is done at an individual level, and the entry of these names were sent to the Agriculture Department and such an incident was first found in Mawpat area.

The Agriculture Department has sent a complaint and the investigation on the matter is ongoing and as a first step to rectify the problem these bogus names will be removed followed by a change in the registration process so as to avoid any fraud or misuse in the future.


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