Mawkyrwat, June 08: With grave concern over a child who lost both her arms after she was electrocuted in an incident which occured in the past few months in Mawkohphet, South West Khasi Hills, the FKJGP of South West Khasi Hills met personally with the Deputy Commissioner of the District to have her known so that she can also make efforts towards helping the child who lost both her arms with two important needs which is in providing her with artificial hands and a lifetime compensation.
After the organisation met with the Deputy Commissioner of South West Khasi Hills District, the DC assured due importance will be given to this matter.
As an organisation they have also sternly warned the MePDCL that such incidents should not happen again and if it does occur again henceforth they will take necessary action from their end.
On this day the delegate consisted of FKJGP members from South West Khasi Hills District and Mawkyrwat Circle.