Home BREAKING NEWS Doctors suddenly shut down checkpoint meant to check import of meat in Umling

Doctors suddenly shut down checkpoint meant to check import of meat in Umling

Doctors suddenly shut down checkpoint meant to check import of meat in Umling

The doctors from the Veterinary department and supervisors of the checkpoint at Umling, Ri-Bhoi suddenly shut down the checkpoint meant to check the import of meat in Meghalaya from other states.

As per reports, it is said that these doctors were in their room to check the animals brought in from other states to be slaughtered for meat in Meghalaya expressed their anger by shutting down the checkpoint after a difference of opinion arose with one group which pretended to check in detail the documents to allow for the transport bof these animals to Meghalaya.

After media persons tried to speak with the doctors of this checkpoint, the doctors refused to speak with them and left the place.

But as per news sources, it is informed that the chaos occured only due to the presence of groups which claimed themselves to be the High Level and people of Ministers who began interfering at the checkpoint and took advantage by acting as supervisors at the checkpoint but however, demand a huge sum of money from traders to transport the animals into the state.


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